Thursday, July 31, 2014

New YA Books - August 2014 Edition

Yes, the school year is rapidly approaching, but there is JUST enough time to get some fun reading in before it starts!

The Things You Kiss Goodbye by Leslie Connor
The things you kiss goodbyeYA FIC CONNOR
Bettina can hardly believe it when basketball star Brady asks her out. Over the course of the summer, Bettina falls in love with Brady . . . but when school starts up again, Brady changes. What happened to the sweet boy she fell in love with? When tragedy strikes, Bettina must tell her family the truth--and kiss goodbye the things she thought she knew about herself and the men in her life.

Fourteen-year-old Mateo and other Caribbean islanders face discrimination, segregation, and harsh working conditions when American recruiters lure them to the Panamanian rain forest in 1906 to build the great canal.

The Great Greene Heist by Varian Johnson
The great Greene heistYA FIC JOHNSON
Jackson Greene has a reputation as a prankster at Maplewood Middle School, but after the last disaster he is trying to go straight--but when it looks like Keith Sinclair may steal the election for school president from Jackson's former best friend Gabriela, he assembles a team to make sure Keith does not succeed.

The garden of darknessThe Garden of Darkness by Gillian Murray Kendall
When a disease nearly wipes out Earth's adult population, four children journey to find a cure, allegedly held by the one adult still alive.

(Don’t You) Forget About Me by Kate Karyus Quinn
(Don't you) forget about meYA FIC QUINN
Gardnerville seems like a paradise. But every four years, a strange madness compels the town's teenagers to commit terrible crimes. Four years ago, Skylar's sister, Piper, led her classmates on a midnight death march into a watery grave. Now Piper is gone. And to get her back, Skylar must find a way to end Gardnerville's murderous cycle.

DrownedDrowned by Nichola Reilly
Coe is one of the few remaining teenagers on the post-apocalyptic island of Tides. The only priority is survival. Is there an escape from the horrific nightmare that their island home has become? Coe must race to find the answers and save the people she cares about, before their world and everything they know is lost to the waters.

Blue sea burningBlue Sea Burning by Geoff Rodkey
Egg is determined to take down ruthless slave trader Roger Pembroke. But war is brewing among the Blue Sea's pirate gang, and Egg, Guts, and Kira are running out of time to find the Fire King's treasure and free the Okalu slaves from the silver mine on Sunrise. Can they save Kira's people before Sunrise is plundered by Ripper Jones's pirates?

One past midnightOne Past Midnight by Jessica Shirvington
Each night, eighteen-year-old Sabine transitions between a life of privilege and security but no intimacy to one of economic struggle but loving relationships, and the difficulty of this strange situation causes her to consider suicide, at least in one physical reality.

The shadow heroThe Shadow Hero by Gene Leun Yang
Hank just wants to enjoy his quiet life running the family grocery store with his father, but his mother wants him to become a superhero and clean up their Chinatown neighborhood.

YA 531.55 GUR
This updated and expanded step-by-step guide enables ordinary folks to construct more than 13 awesome ballistic devices using inexpensive household or hardware store materials.

YA 636.7 CAS
A dog's nose is so sensitive that if a human could see as well as a dog could smell, we would be able to see the small letters on an eye chart from four miles away. Is it any wonder then that dogs can be trained to find missing people in piles of rubble or a certain flower blooming amongst hundreds or thousands of other smells?

World War I set the tone for the 20th century and introduced a new type of warfare. Nathan Hale has gathered some of the most fascinating true-life tales from the war and given them his inimitable Hazardous Tales twist. Easy to understand, funny, informative, and lively, this series is the best way to be introduced to some of the most well-known battles (and little-known secrets) of the infamous war.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Don't Forget To Turn In Those Summer Reading Program Tickets!

Our Teen Summer Reading Program Finale Party is next Wednesday, August 6, but all of your Summer Reading Program prize tickets need to be turned in by MONDAY, AUGUST 4.

Drop them off at the Reference Desk at the West Caldwell Public Library before then for a chance to win AWESOME prizes!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014


All summer long, we'll be posting science Trivia Questions every week on our blog and Facebook page for our Teen Summer Reading Program.


What is the largest non-prehistoric fish in the world?

If you are a West Caldwell resident between 12-18 years old, send the answer with your name, email and grade in school to and be entered into a drawing for great prizes!!

Congrats to the winner of the WEEK 4 Science Trivia Challenge! The correct answer to the question "Which part of the Earth lies between the outer core and the crust?" is the mantle! 

Beat the Heat This Tuesday!

Summer heat driving you nuts? Save your sanity and come to our Beat the Heat Game Night on Tuesday, July 22 at 5:30 PM! 

We'll have board games, card games, and Wii games. Learn how to make your own catapult and enter our catapult challenge for prizes! 

Sign up by clicking the link below or calling 973-226-5441. 

Open to teens in grades 6-12. 

Part of our 2014 Teen Summer Reading Program. Sign-up today!! 

Monday, July 14, 2014


All summer long, we'll be posting science Trivia Questions every week on our blog and Facebook page for our Teen Summer Reading Program.


Which part of the Earth lies between the outer core and the crust?

If you are a West Caldwell resident between 12-18 years old, send the answer with your name, email and grade in school to and be entered into a drawing for great prizes!!

Congrats to the winner of the WEEK 3 Science Trivia Challenge! The correct answer to the question "Diamonds are a form of which chemical element?" is carbon!

Monday, July 7, 2014


All summer long, we'll be posting science Trivia Questions every week on our blog and Facebook page for our Teen Summer Reading Program.


Diamonds are a form of which chemical element?

If you are a West Caldwell resident between 12-18 years old, send the answer with your name, email and grade in school to and be entered into a drawing for great prizes!!

Congrats to the winner of the WEEK 2 Science Trivia Challenge! The correct answer to the question "Which part of the eye has a color and surrounds the pupil?" is the Iris!

Teen Summer Reading Program Prizes!

Have you signed up for the Teen Summer Reading Program? What are you waiting for?! There's prizes to be won!

For every book you read or audiobook you listen to, you can turn in a ticket for a chance to win. The more tickets you submit, the greater your chances of winning awesome sign-up TODAY!

(And yes, those ARE a new pair of Beats Solo 2.0 Headphones!!)

Teen Advisory Group Meeting - Monday July 14 6:30-7:30 PM

Our next TAG meeting is Monday, July 14 from 6:30 - 7:30 PM!

The TAG is open to students in grades 6-12. Come help us plan upcoming library programs and choose new books, music, and DVDs for the library to purchase! You'll get fed and earn community service hours, too!

Sign-up at the West Caldwell Public Library reference desk, call 973-226-5441 or send an email to

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Like to Blog? YALSA Wants You!

YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) is hosting a Teen Blogging Contest in honor of 2014 Teen Read Week in October. 

Teens aged 12 -18 can sign up now through August 1, 2014 to participate in the contest for a chance to guest blog for YALSA’s young adult literature blog, The Hub. Selected teens will blog about a wide range of topics related to YA literature while also further developing their writing and blogging skills.

To apply, please complete the online application form

Selected participants will be notified by email the week of Aug. 25.