Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thursday Night Activities

July 11-Journal-Create your own journal and add creative writing!
July 18-Games- Have fun and keep cool with Wii and board games.
August 1-Dork Diaries Party-Does an inner dork lie beneath your
surface?  If so, you are invited to join us for some fun activities based on the popular book series, The Dork Diaries.
These programs will take place from 6:30-7:30 in the meeting room.

Please register for all programs at the Youth Services Desk. 
These programs will only be held if at least five people have registered. 

All programs are for students entering grade 5 and up.

Bring a Friend!

Songwriting Workshop

August 15-Songwriting Workshop with Kathy Moser 4-6 PM
Join songwriter Kathy Moser for a fun musical experience! 
Write, rehearse and record an original song. 
It will then be available online.  Register at the Youth Services Desk. 
Bring a friend!